A Framework for Non-Realistic Projections
Jonathan Levene.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May,
1998. [BibTeX]
A Non-Photorealistic Lighting Model For Automatic Technical Illustration
Amy A. Gooch, Bruce Gooch, Peter Shirley, Elaine Cohen.
SIGGRAPH 98, pp. 447--452, July,
1998. [BibTeX]
A Resolution Independent Nonrealistic Imaging System for Artistic Use
Atsushi Kasao, Masayuki Nakajima.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, pp. 358--367,
1998. [BibTeX]
An Approach to Visualizing Transparency in Computer-Generated Line Drawings
Jörg Hamel, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
1998. [BibTeX]
An interface for the interactive design of artistic screens
N. Rudaz, Roger D. Hersch, Victor Ostromoukhov.
Electronic Publishing, Artistic Imaging and Digital Typography, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1375, pp. 1--10,
1998. [BibTeX]
Animating Frame-To-Frame-Coherent Line Drawings for Illustrated Purposes
Maic Masuch, Lars Schumann, Stefan Schlechtweg.
Proceedings of Simulation und Visualisierung '98, SCS Europe, Peter Lorenz, Bernhard Preim, pp. 101-112,
1998. [BibTeX]
Art in the Pipeline
Author(s): S. M. F. Treavett.
Proceedings: Proc. 16th Eurographics UK Conference, March,
The aim of this work is to provide standards for the implementation of expressive
effects in the graphics pipeline. In recent years more and more work has gone into the
research of expressive rendering techniques. In its brief history, this field has generally been researched in a fairly haphazard fashion. This paper examines expressive rendering in terms of the well established traditional rendering pipeline. The paper describes the pipeline in general and provides details of the various stages and the expressive effects that can be produced within them. For each stage a detailed description is provided along with a study of existing techniques and a number of example images.
Computer-Generated Floral Ornament
Douglas E. Zongker, Michael Wong, David H. Salesin.
1998. [BibTeX]
Edge enhancement issues in halftoning
John W. Buchanan, Lisa M. Streit, Oleg Veryovka.
Graphics Interface (GI'98), pp. 209--216,
1998. [BibTeX]
Importance Driven Halftoning
Lisa M. Streit, John W. Buchanan.
Computer Graphics Forum (EG'98), Vol. 17, No. 3,
1998. [BibTeX]