A Developer's Guide to Silhouette Algorithms for Polygonal Models
Tobias Isenberg, Bert Freudenberg, Nick Halper, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 28--37, July/August,
2003. [BibTeX]
An Approach to Visualizing Transparency in Computer-Generated Line Drawings
Jörg Hamel, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
1998. [BibTeX]
An Illustration Technique Using Hardware-Based Intersections and Skeletons
Oliver Deussen, Jörg Hamel, Andreas Raab, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
Graphics Interface (GI'99), pp. 175--182,
1999. [BibTeX]
Animating Frame-To-Frame-Coherent Line Drawings for Illustrated Purposes
Maic Masuch, Lars Schumann, Stefan Schlechtweg.
Proceedings of Simulation und Visualisierung '98, SCS Europe, Peter Lorenz, Bernhard Preim, pp. 101-112,
1998. [BibTeX]
Creating High Quality Hatching Illustrations
Johannes Zander, Tobias Isenberg, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, No. 12/2004, Germany,
2004. [BibTeX]
Creating Non-Photorealistic Images the Designer’s Way
Nick Halper, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
2nd International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR'02), Annecy, France, June 3-5,
2002. [BibTeX]
daLi! - Drawing Animated Lines!
Maic Masuch, Stefan Schlechtweg, Bert Schönwälder.
Simulation and Animation '97, pp. 87--95, SCS Europe, Magdeburg,
1997. [BibTeX]
Enhancing Slice-based Visualizations of Medical Volume Data
Christian Tietjen, Björn Meyer, Stefan Schlechtweg, Bernhard Preim, Ilka Hertel, Gero Strauß.
IEEE/Eurographics Symposium on Visualization (EUROVIS'06), pp. 123-130, IEEE,
2006. [BibTeX]
High Quality Hatching
Johannes Zander, Tobias Isenberg, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
Computer Graphics Forum (EG'04), Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 421--430, September,
2004. [BibTeX]
Icon-Based Visualization Using Mosaic Metaphors
Thomas Nocke, Stefan Schlechtweg, Heidrun Schumann.
Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'05), pp. 103--109,
2005. [BibTeX]