Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 5 item(s) authored in "1979".

Proceedings An algorithm for shading of regions on vector display devices
Kurt E. Brassel, Robin Fegeas.
Proceedings of the 6th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, Siggraph 79, pp. 126--133, 1979. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Computer Drafting of Stones, Wood, Plant and Ground Materials
Chris I. Yessios.
Siggraph 79, pp. 190--198, 1979. [BibTeX]

Proceedings On the rendering of Surfaces
A.R. Forrest.
Siggraph 79, pp. 253--259, 1979. [BibTeX]

Misc Table Paint
Alvy Ray Smith.
Published as Tutorial Notes at SIGGRAPH '80 and SIGGRAPH '81, 1979. [BibTeX]

Proceedings The haloed line effect for hidden line elimination
Arthur Appel, F. James Rohlf, Arthur J. Stein.
Siggraph 79, pp. 151--157, 1979. [BibTeX]

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