A Display Algorithm of Brush Strokes Using Bézier Functions
Tomoyuki Nishita, Shinichi Takita, Eihachiro Nakamae.
Proc. of Computer Graphics International '93, pp. 244--257,
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Electronic Kaleidoscopes for the Mind
Clifford A. Pickover, Larry Rudolph.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 41--46,
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On the Application of Quantization and Dithering Techniques to History of Arts
P. Coltelli, Giorgio P. Faconti, F. Marfori.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 351--362,
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Skeletal strokes
Siu Chi Hsu, Irene H. H. Lee, N. E. Wiseman.
Proceedings of the 6th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, pp. 197--206, Atlanta, Georgia, United States,
1993. [BibTeX]