An Illustration Technique Using Hardware-Based Intersections and Skeletons
Oliver Deussen, Jörg Hamel, Andreas Raab, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
Graphics Interface (GI'99), pp. 175--182,
1999. [BibTeX]
An Interface for Sketching 3D Curves
Jonathan M. Cohen, Lee Markosian, Robert C. Zeleznik, John F. Hughes, Ronen Barzel.
Proceedings of the 1999 ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, pp. 17--21,
1999. [BibTeX]
Animated Teleconferencing: Video Driven Facial Animation
Ian Buck.
B.S.E. Undergraduate Thesis, June,
1999. [BibTeX]
Art-Based Rendering of Fur, Grass, and Trees
Michael A. Kowalski, Lee Markosian, J.D. Northrup, Lubomir D. Bourdev, Ronen Barzel, Loring S. Holden, John F. Hughes.
Proceedings of Siggraph 99,
1999. [BibTeX]
Beyond Photorealism
Stuart Green.
10th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering,
1999. [BibTeX]
Capturing and Re-Using Rendition Styles for Non-Photorealistic Rendering
Jörg Hamel, Thomas Strothotte.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 18, No. 3,
1999. [BibTeX]
Comprehensive Halftoning of 3D Scenes
Oleg Veryovka, John W. Buchanan.
Skiggraph '99,
1999. [BibTeX]
Computational expressionism : a study of drawing with computation
Joanna Maria Berzowska.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, February,
1999. [BibTeX]
Computer-Generated Graphite Pencil Materials and Rendering
Mario Costa Sousa.
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, June,
1999. [BibTeX]
Computer-Generated Pencil Drawing
Mario Costa Sousa, John W. Buchanan.
Skiggraph '99,
1999. [BibTeX]