Creating High Quality Hatching Illustrations
Author(s): Johannes Zander, Tobias Isenberg, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
Technical Report: Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, No. 12/2004, Germany,
Hatching lines are often used in line illustrations to convey tone and texture of a surface. In this
report an approach for rendering hatched line drawings for polygonal meshes is presented.The
proposed method allows the generation of hatching lines for interactive on-screen display as
well as for vector-based printer output.We use local curvature information to compute streamlines
on the surface of the model. A new algorithm ensures here an even distribution of the
streamlines such that the visual quality of the final rendition is enhanced.These streamlines form
the basis for the calculation of hatching lines. Line shading methods in general are presented that
adapt the drawing to lighting conditions. To achieve interactive frame-rates the shading of the
hatching lines is calculated at run-time using a virtual machine. For printer output a vector oriented
format is generated.