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Proceedings Animating Frame-To-Frame-Coherent Line Drawings for Illustrated Purposes

Author(s): Maic Masuch, Lars Schumann, Stefan Schlechtweg.
Proceedings: Proceedings of Simulation und Visualisierung '98, SCS Europe, Peter Lorenz, Bernhard Preim, pp. 101-112, 1998.
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We present a system for rendering 3D animations in the style of line drawings. We use a highly parameterized line model in order to determine the appearance of a line. This model allows us to render characteristic line deviations that remain--in contrast to existing non-photorealistic rendering systems--frame coherent. Other inconsistencies which result from intersection and visibility changes during an animation are prevented by a path reconstruction method. Furthermore, we implemented a keyframing for linestyle parameters which enables us to extend illustration techniques like simplification of a scene or the placement of emphasis on certain objects to the field of 3D computer animation.

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