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Proceedings Edge enhancement issues in halftoning

Author(s): John W. Buchanan, Lisa M. Streit, Oleg Veryovka.
Proceedings: Graphics Interface (GI'98), pp. 209--216, 1998.
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The correct display of edges in half-toned images is necessary for accurate image reproduction. This problem has been addressed by pre-processing the image to enhance the edges or by altering the half-toning algorithm to account for edges. In this paper we present a post-processing edge enhancement technique that is applicable to all half-toning algorithms. We identify two types of edge pixels in the image; dark and light edge pixels. Edges in an image are highlighted by setting the dark/light edge pixels to black/white. We tested our method on a modern laser printer. Because of this our evaluation of the technique is restricted to clustered half-toning methods. We evaluated the effect of enhancing edges by conducting a user survey to determine the perceived value of the different edge enhancement methods. The results of the user survey, while not statistically significant, indicate that our post-processing technique achieves comparable results to previous edge enhancement methods. Our technique is simple to implement and can be applied to any half-toning technique and thus is a good default edge-enhancing approach.

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