3D Illustrative Effects for Animating Line Drawings
Tobias Isenberg, Maic Masuch, Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Information Visualisation, pp. 413--418, London, England, July 19-21,
2000. [BibTeX]
Animating Frame-To-Frame-Coherent Line Drawings for Illustrated Purposes
Maic Masuch, Lars Schumann, Stefan Schlechtweg.
Proceedings of Simulation und Visualisierung '98, SCS Europe, Peter Lorenz, Bernhard Preim, pp. 101-112,
1998. [BibTeX]
daLi! - Drawing Animated Lines!
Maic Masuch, Stefan Schlechtweg, Bert Schönwälder.
Simulation and Animation '97, pp. 87--95, SCS Europe, Magdeburg,
1997. [BibTeX]
Game Programming Gems 4
Bert Freudenberg, Maic Masuch, Thomas Strothotte.
Andrew Kirmse, Real-Time Halftoning: Fast and Simple Stylized Shading, pp. 443--440, Charles River Media,
2004. [BibTeX]
Non-Photorealistic Shading in an Educational Game Engine
Bert Freudenberg, Maic Masuch.
Production Process of 3D Computer Graphics Applications - Structures, Roles and Tools, Snowbird, Utah, USA, June 1 - 4,
2002. [BibTeX]
Real-Time Halftoning: A Primitive For Non-Photorealistic Shading
Author(s): Bert Freudenberg, Maic Masuch, Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings: Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, pp. 1–4,
We introduce halftoning as a general primitive for real-time non-photorealistic shading. It is capable of producing a variety of rendering styles, ranging from engraving with lighting-dependent line width to pen-and-ink style drawings using prioritized stroke textures. Since monitor resolution is limited we employ a smooth threshold function that provides stroke antialiasing. By applying the halftone screen in texture space and evaluating the threshold function for each pixel we can influence the shading on a pixel-by-pixel basis. This enables many effects to be used, including indication mapping and
individual stroke lighting. Our real-time halftoning method is a drop-in replacement for conventional multitexturing and runs on commodity hardware. Thus, it is easy to integrate in existing applications, as we demonstrate with an artistically rendered level in a game engine.
Speedlines - Depicting Motion in Motionless Pictures
Maic Masuch, Stefan Schlechtweg.
Siggraph 1999, 8-13 August 1999, Los Angeles,
1999. [BibTeX]
The Computer-Visualistik-Raum: veritable and inexpensive presentation of a virtual reconstruction
Bert Freudenberg, Maic Masuch, Niklas Röber, Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings of the 2001 conference on Virtual reality, archeology, and cultural heritage (VAST '01), pp. 97--102,
2001. [BibTeX]
Visualising Ancient Architecture using Animated Line Drawings
Maic Masuch, Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualisation '98, IEEE Computer Society Press,
1998. [BibTeX]
Visualizing Knowledge about Virtual Reconstructions of Ancient Architecture
Thomas Strothotte, Maic Masuch, Tobias Isenberg.
Computer Graphics International (CGI'99), pp. 36--43, Canmore, Alberta, Canada,
1999. [BibTeX]