A Procedural Approach to Style for NPR Line Drawing from 3D models
Stephane Grabli, Frédo Durand, Emmanuel Turquin, François X. Sillion.
INRIA, No. 4724, February,
2003. [BibTeX]
An Invitation to Discuss Computer Depiction
Frédo Durand.
2nd International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR'02), Annecy, France, June 3-5,
2002. [BibTeX]
Apparent ridges for line drawing
Tilke Judd, Frédo Durand, Edward Adelson.
SIGGRAPH '07: ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 papers, pp. 19, ACM,
2007. [BibTeX]
Decoupling Strokes and High-Level Attributes for Interactive Traditional Drawing
Frédo Durand, Victor Ostromoukhov, Matthew Miller, Francois Duranleau, Julie Dorsey.
Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 2001,
2001. [BibTeX]
Defining Pictorial Style: Lessons from Linguistics and Computer Graphics
John Willats, Frédo Durand.
Axiomathes, Vol. 15, No. 2,
2005. [BibTeX]
Density Measure for Line-Drawing Simplification
Stephane Grabli, Frédo Durand, François X. Sillion.
12th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG'04), pp. 309--318, Seoul, Korea, October 06 - 08,
2004. [BibTeX]
Dynamic Canvas for Non-Photorealistic Walkthroughs
Author(s): Matthieu Cunzi, Joëlle Thollot, Sylvain Paris, Gilles Debunne, Jean-Dominique Gascuel, Frédo Durand.
Proceedings: Graphics Interface (GI'03),
The static background paper or canvas texture usually used for Non-Photorealistic animation greatly impedes the sensation of motion and results in a disturbing ``shower door'' effect. We present a method to animate the background canvas for Non-Photorealistic Rendering animations and walkthroughs, which greatly improves the sensation of motion and 3D ``immersion''. The complex motion field induced by the 3D displacement is matched using purely 2D transformations. The motion field of forward translations is approximated using a 2D zoom in the texture, and the camera rotations is approximated using 2D translations and rotations. A rolling-ball metaphor is introduced to match the instantaneous 3D motion with a 2D transformation. An infinite zoom in the texture is made possible by using a paper model based on multifrequency solid turbulence. Our results indicate a dramatic improvement over a static background.
Interactive Artificial Ant Colonies for Non-Photorealistic Rendering
Yann Semet, Una-May O'Reilly, Frédo Durand.
2004. [BibTeX]
Perceptual and Artistic Principles for Effective Computer Depiction
Maneesh Agrawala, Frédo Durand, Bruce Gooch, Victoria Interrante, Victor Ostromoukhov, Denis Zorin.
SIGGRAPH 2002, ACM Press, Course #13, San Antonio, Texas,
2002. [BibTeX]
Programmable Style for NPR Line Drawing
Stephane Grabli, Emmanuel Turquin, Frédo Durand, François X. Sillion.
Rendering Techniques 2004 (Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), ACM Press,
2004. [BibTeX]