Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 14 item(s) authored by "Amy A. Gooch" .
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Proceedings A Non-Photorealistic Lighting Model For Automatic Technical Illustration
Amy A. Gooch, Bruce Gooch, Peter Shirley, Elaine Cohen.
SIGGRAPH 98, pp. 447--452, July, 1998. [BibTeX]

Misc A Painterly Approach to Human Skin
Peter-Pike J. Sloan, Bruce Gooch, Bill Martin, Amy A. Gooch, Louise Bell.
Short Research paper, 2001. [BibTeX]

Technical Report An Experimental Comparision of Perceived Egocentric Distance in Real, Image-Based, and Traditional Virtual Environments using Direct Walking Tasks
Peter Willemsen, Amy A. Gooch.
School of Computing, University of Utah, No. UUCS-02-009, February, 2002. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Enhancing perceived depth in images via artistic matting
Amy A. Gooch, Bruce Gooch.
1st Symposium on Applied perception in graphics and visualization, 2004. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Evaluating Space Perception in NPR Immersive Environments
Amy A. Gooch, Peter Willemsen.
2nd International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR'02), pp. 105--110, Annecy, France, June 3-5, 2002. [BibTeX]

Article Human Facial Illustrations: Creation and Psychophysical Evaluation
Bruce Gooch, Erik Reinhard, Amy A. Gooch.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 27--44, January, 2004. [BibTeX]

Master Thesis Interactive Non-Photorealistic Technical Illustration
Amy A. Gooch.
Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, December, 1998. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Interactive Technical Illustration

Author(s): Bruce Gooch, Peter-Pike J. Sloan, Amy A. Gooch, Peter Shirley, Richard Riesenfeld.
Proceedings: 1999 ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, pp. 31--38, April, 1999.
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A rendering is an abstraction that favors, preserves, or even emphasizes some qualities while sacrificing, suppressing, or omitting other characteristics that are not the focus of attention. Most computer graphics rendering activities have been concerned with photorealism, i.e., trying to emulate an image that looks like a highquality photograph. This laudable goal is useful and appropriate in many applications, but not in technical illustration where elucidation of structure and technical information is the preeminent motivation. This calls for a different kind of abstraction in which technical communication is central, but art and appearance are still essential instruments toward this end. Work that has been done on computer generated technical illustrations has focused on static images, and has not included all of the techniques used to hand draw technical illustrations. A paradigm for the display of technical illustrations in a dynamic environment is presented. This display environment includes all of the benefits of computer generated technical illustrations, such as a clearer picture of shape, structure, and material composition than traditional computer graphics methods. It also includes the three-dimensional interactive strength of modern display systems. This is accomplished by using new algorithms for real time drawing of silhouette curves, algorithms which solve a number of the problems inherent in previous methods. We incorporate current non-photorealistic lighting methods, and augment them with new shadowing algorithms based on accepted techniques used by artists and studies carried out in human perception. This paper, all of the images, and a mpeg video clip are available at

Book Non-Photorealistic Rendering
Amy A. Gooch, Bruce Gooch.
AK Peters, Ltd., July 1, 2001. [BibTeX]

In Collection Non-Photorealistic Rendering
Stuart Green, David H. Salesin, Simon Schofield, Aaron Hertzmann, Peter C. Litwinowicz, Amy A. Gooch, Cassidy J. Curtis, Bruce Gooch.
Siggraph 99, ACM Press, Course 17, 1999. [BibTeX]

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