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Article Human Facial Illustrations: Creation and Psychophysical Evaluation

Author(s): Bruce Gooch, Erik Reinhard, Amy A. Gooch.
Article: ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 27--44, January, 2004.
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We present a method for creating black-and-white illustrations from photographs of human faces. In addition an interactive technique is demonstrated for deforming these black-and-white facial illustrations to create caricatures which highlight and exaggerate representative facial features.We evaluate the effectiveness of the resulting images through psychophysical studies to assess accuracy and speed in both recognition and learning tasks. These studies show that the facial illustrations and caricatures generated using our techniques are as effective as photographs in recognition tasks. For the learning task we find that illustrations are learned two times faster than photographs and caricatures are learned one and a half times faster than photographs. Because our techniques produce images that are effective at communicating complex information, they are useful in a number of potential applications, ranging from entertainment and education to low bandwidth telecommunications and psychology research.

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