Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 117 item(s) authored in "2005".
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Article Pen-and-Ink for BlobTree Implicit Models
Kevin Foster, Pauline Jepp, Brian Wyvill, Mario Costa Sousa, Callum Galbraith, Joaquim A. Jorge.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 267--276, 2005. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Physical Modeling of "Xuan" Paper in the Simulation of Chinese Ink-Wash Drawing
Mei-jun Sun, Jizhou Sun, Bin Yun.
International Conference on Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization (CGIV'05), pp. 317--322, 2005. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Pointillist and Glyph-Based Visualization of Nanoparticles in Formation
Patrick Coleman Saunders, Victoria Interrante, S.C. Garrick.
Eurographics - IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, pp. 169--176, 2005. [BibTeX]

Master Thesis Precise Ink Illustrations of Polygonal Models
Kevin Foster.
University of Calgary, March, 2005. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Real-Time 3D Artistic Rendering System
Tong-Yee Lee, Shaur-Uei Yan, Yong-Nien Chen, Ming-Te Chi.
Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems: 9th International Conference (KES'05), Vol. 3683, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 456--462, Melbourne, Australia, September 14-16, 2005. [BibTeX]

Article Real-time cartoon animation of smoke
Haitao He, Duanqing Xu.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 16, No. 3-4, pp. 441--449, September, 2005. [BibTeX]

Technical Report Real-time Cartoon-like Stylization of AR Video Streams on the GPU
Jan Fischer, Dirk Bartz.
Wilhelm Schickard Institute for Computer Science, University of Tübingen, No. WSI-2005-18, Germany, September, 2005. [BibTeX]

PhD Thesis Real-Time Non-Photorealistic Rendering Techniques for Illustrating 3D Scenes and their Dynamics
Marc Nienhaus.
University of Potsdam, Germany, June, 2005. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Real-time Simulation of Thin Paint Media
Tom Van Laerhoven, Frank Van Reeth.
SIGGRAPH2005 sketch, Los Angeles, July 31-Aug 2, 2005. [BibTeX]

Article Real-time simulation of watery paint
Tom Van Laerhoven, Frank Van Reeth.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 16, No. 3-4, pp. 429--439, September, 2005. [BibTeX]

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