Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 7 item(s) authored by "Nick Halper" .

Article A Developer's Guide to Silhouette Algorithms for Polygonal Models
Tobias Isenberg, Bert Freudenberg, Nick Halper, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 28--37, July/August, 2003. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Creating Non-Photorealistic Images the Designer’s Way
Nick Halper, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
2nd International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR'02), Annecy, France, June 3-5, 2002. [BibTeX]

Proceedings OPENNPAR: A System for Developing, Programming, and Designing Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering

Author(s): Nick Halper, Tobias Isenberg, Felix Ritter, Bert Freudenberg, Oscar E. Meruvia Pastor, Stefan Schlechtweg, Thomas Strothotte.
Proceedings: 11th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG'03), pp. 424, Canmore, Canada, 2003.
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The notable amount and variation of current techniques in non-photorealistic rendering (NPR) indicates a level of maturity whereby the categorization of algorithms has become possible. We present a conceptual model for NPR, on which we base a modular system, OPENNPAR, which integrates NPR algorithms into distinct classes. Components in OPENNPAR are modularized and consequently reintegrated for various rendering purposes, allowing many kinds of NPR algorithms to be reproduced, including the integration of 2D and 3D methods. Additionally, the system provides support for a range of users (developers, programmers, designers) according to their respective levels of abstraction, thus being available in multiple contexts. Ultimately, OPENNPAR holds great potential as a tool in the development, augmentation, and creation of NPR effects.

Proceedings Psychology and Non-Photorealistic Rendering: The Beginning of a Beautiful Relationship
Nick Halper, Mara Mellin, Christoph S. Herrmann, Thomas Strothotte, Volker Linneweber.
Mensch & Computer 2003: Interaktion in Bewegung, pp. 277--286, Teubner Verlag, 2003. [BibTeX]

Article Rendering and Affect
D.J. Duke, P.J. Barnard, Nick Halper, Mara Mellin.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 22, No. 3, September, 2003. [BibTeX]

Article Stylizing Silhouettes at Interactive Rates: From Silhouette Edges to Silhouette Strokes
Tobias Isenberg, Nick Halper, Thomas Strothotte.
Computer Graphics Forum, 2002. [BibTeX]

PhD Thesis Supportive Presentation for Computer Games
Nick Halper.
University of Magdeburg, 2003. [BibTeX]

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