Rendering Artistic and Believable Trees for Cartoon Animation
Fabian Di Fiore, William Van Haevre, Frank Van Reeth.
Computer Graphics International (CGI'03), pp. 144, Tokyo, Japan, July 09 - 11,
2003. [BibTeX]
Rendering optimisations for stylised sketching
Holger Winnemöller, Shaun Bangay.
2nd International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Visualisation in Africa (AFRIGRAPH'03), pp. 117--122, Cape Town, South Africa,
2003. [BibTeX]
Sable: a painterly renderer for film animation
Daniel Teece.
SIGGRAPH 2003 conference on Sketches & applications,
2003. [BibTeX]
Segmentation of Black-and-White Cartoons
Daniel Sýkora, Jan Buriánek, Jiří Žára.
19th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG'03), pp. 223--230, Budmerice, Slovakia, April,
2003. [BibTeX]
Simulating Wax Crayons
Dave Rudolf, David Mould, Eric Neufeld.
11th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG'03),
2003. [BibTeX]
Simulation of sparkling and depth effect in paints
Roman Durikovic, William L. Martens.
Proceedings of the 19th ACM Spring Conference on Computer Graphics - SCCG2003, K.I. Joy and L. Szirmay-Kalos, pp. 207--213, Budmerice, Slovakia,
2003. [BibTeX]
Sketchy drawings: a hardware-accelerated approach for real-time non-photorealistic rendering
Marc Nienhaus, Jürgen Döllner.
SIGGRAPH 2003 conference on Sketches & applications,
2003. [BibTeX]
Stroke Surfaces: A Spatio-temporal Framework for Temporally Coherent Non-photorealistic Animations
John P. Collomosse, D. Rowntree, Peter M. Hall.
University of Bath, No. CSBU 2003-01, June,
2003. [BibTeX]
Stylized Highlights for Cartoon Rendering and Animation
Ken Anjyo, Katsuaki Hiramitsu.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 54-61,
2003. [BibTeX]
Stylizing Motion with Drawings
Yan Li, Michael Gleicher, Ying-Qing Xu, Heung-Yeung Shum.
Proceedings of 2003 Symposium on Computer Animation, July,
2003. [BibTeX]