Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 22 item(s) authored by "Mario Costa Sousa" .
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Article A Few Good Lines: Suggestive Drawing of 3D Models
Mario Costa Sousa, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 381--390, September, 2003. [BibTeX]

Proceedings A Few Good Samples: Shape & Tone Depiction for Hermite RBF Implicits

Author(s): Emilio Vital Brazil, Ives Ma\^cedo, Mario Costa Sousa, Luiz Velho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo.
Proceedings: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR'10), pp. 7--15, ACM, 2010.
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We present techniques for rendering Hermite Radial Basis Function (HRBF) Implicits in different pen-and-ink styles. HRBF Implicits is a simple and compact representation, providing three fundamental qualities: a small number of point-normal samples as input for surface reconstruction, good projection of points near the surface, and smoothness of the gradient field. Our approach uses these qualities of HRBF implicits to generate a robust distribution of points to position the drawing primitives. The resulting implicit model is then rendered using point-based primitives to depict shape and tone using silhouettes with hidden-line attenuation, drawing directions, and stippling. We present sample renderings obtained for a variety of models.

Technical Report Beyond Pixels: Illustration with Vector Graphics
Tobias Isenberg, Angela Brennecke, Mario Costa Sousa, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale.
Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, No. Technical Report 2005-804-35, Canada, December, 2005. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Breaking the Pixel Barrier
Tobias Isenberg, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Mario Costa Sousa.
First Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging (EGCA'05), pp. 41--48, May 18–20, Eurographics Association, 2005. [BibTeX]

PhD Thesis Computer-Generated Graphite Pencil Materials and Rendering
Mario Costa Sousa.
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, June, 1999. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Computer-Generated Pencil Drawing
Mario Costa Sousa, John W. Buchanan.
Skiggraph '99, 1999. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Depicting Shape Features with Directional Strokes and Spotlighting
Mario Costa Sousa, Faramarz Samavati, Meru Brunn.
Computer Graphics International (CGI'04), 2004. [BibTeX]

Article Fluid-based hatching for tone mapping in line illustrations
Afonso Paiva, Emilio Vital Brazil, Fabiano Petronetto, Mario Costa Sousa.
The Visual Computer, Vol. 25, No. 5-7, pp. 519--527, May, 2009. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Illustrating Terrains using Direction of Slope and Lighting
Kevin Buchin, Mario Costa Sousa, Jürgen Döllner, Faramarz Samavati, Maike Walther.
4th ICA Mountain Cartography Workshop, Vall de Núria, Catalunya, Spain, 30th September - 2nd. October 2004, 2004. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Modeling Plant Structures Using Concept Sketches
Fabricio Anastacio, Mario Costa Sousa, Faramarz Samavati, Joaquim A. Jorge.
NPAR '06: Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Non-photorealistic animation and rendering, pp. 105--113, New York, NY, USA, June, ACM Press, 2006. [BibTeX]

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