A Few Good Lines: Suggestive Drawing of 3D Models
Mario Costa Sousa, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp. 381--390, September,
2003. [BibTeX]
A Few Good Samples: Shape & Tone Depiction for Hermite RBF Implicits
Emilio Vital Brazil, Ives Ma\^cedo, Mario Costa Sousa, Luiz Velho, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo.
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR'10), pp. 7--15, ACM,
2010. [BibTeX]
Beyond Pixels: Illustration with Vector Graphics
Tobias Isenberg, Angela Brennecke, Mario Costa Sousa, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale.
Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, No. Technical Report 2005-804-35, Canada, December,
2005. [BibTeX]
Breaking the Pixel Barrier
Tobias Isenberg, M. Sheelagh T. Carpendale, Mario Costa Sousa.
First Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging (EGCA'05), pp. 41--48, May 18–20, Eurographics Association,
2005. [BibTeX]
Computer-Generated Graphite Pencil Materials and Rendering
Mario Costa Sousa.
Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, June,
1999. [BibTeX]
Computer-Generated Pencil Drawing
Mario Costa Sousa, John W. Buchanan.
Skiggraph '99,
1999. [BibTeX]
Depicting Shape Features with Directional Strokes and Spotlighting
Author(s): Mario Costa Sousa, Faramarz Samavati, Meru Brunn.
Proceedings: Computer Graphics International (CGI'04),
This paper presents a new algorithm and technique for rendering triangular surfaces in pen-and-ink edge-based strokes. Our technique integrates two very important illustration strategies for depicting shape features: selection of drawing direction and the use of light. Drawing direction is given by four stroke directional fields. For lighting, we introduce the idea of "spotlight silhouettes" for fast illumination computation, with target tone matched by adaptive stroke length adjustment. Stroke style is achieved by path perturbation and noise-based weight control. Our technique also allows visual effects of reverse tone values and depth cueing. Examples with models from anatomy and archeology demonstrate the capabilities of our system. nique can evoke powerful expressive meaning and is often used in the context of precise artistic drawings and science illustrations [18, 35] (see figure below). We also consider other important goals including interactive control over viewing and lighting conditions and a balanced level of interactivity, giving the user some degree of artistic freedom.
Fluid-based hatching for tone mapping in line illustrations
Afonso Paiva, Emilio Vital Brazil, Fabiano Petronetto, Mario Costa Sousa.
The Visual Computer, Vol. 25, No. 5-7, pp. 519--527, May,
2009. [BibTeX]
Illustrating Terrains using Direction of Slope and Lighting
Kevin Buchin, Mario Costa Sousa, Jürgen Döllner, Faramarz Samavati, Maike Walther.
4th ICA Mountain Cartography Workshop, Vall de Núria, Catalunya, Spain, 30th September - 2nd. October 2004,
2004. [BibTeX]
Modeling Plant Structures Using Concept Sketches
Fabricio Anastacio, Mario Costa Sousa, Faramarz Samavati, Joaquim A. Jorge.
NPAR '06: Proceedings of the 4th international symposium on Non-photorealistic animation and rendering, pp. 105--113, New York, NY, USA, June, ACM Press,
2006. [BibTeX]