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Found 134 item(s) authored in "2004".
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Proceedings Visualizing Design and Spatial Structure of Ancient Architecture using Blueprint Rendering

Author(s): Marc Nienhaus, Jürgen Döllner.
Proceedings: The 5th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST 2004), Brussels, Belgium, 2004.
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We present the blueprint rendering technique as an effective tool for interactively visualizing, exploring, and communicating the design and spatial structure of ancient architecture by outlining and enhancing their visible and occluded features. The term blueprint in its original meaning denotes "a photographic print in white on a bright blue ground or blue on a white ground used especially for copying maps, mechanical drawings, and architects' plans" (Merriam Webster). Blueprints consist of transparently rendered features, represented by their outlines. This way, blueprints allow for realizing complex, hierarchical object assemblies such as architectural drafts. Our technique renders 3D models of architecture to automatically generate blueprints that provide spatial insights, and generates plan views that provide a systematic overview, and enhances these drafts using glyphs. Additionally, blueprint rendering can highlight features of particular importance and their relation to the entire structure, and can reduce visual complexity if the structural complexity of the 3D model is excessive.

Article Volumetric Illustration: Designing 3D Models with Internal Textures
Shigeru Owada, Frank Nielsen, Makoto Okabe, Takeo Igarashi.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2004. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Workflow and CG Tools for the Cartoon TV Program "Monkey Turn"
Satoru Yamagishi, Megumi Kondo, Hiroshi Uchibori, Ken Anjyo.
ACM SIGGRAPH2004 Sketches, 2004. [BibTeX]

PhD Thesis WYSIWYG NPR: Interactive Stylization for Stroke-Based Rendering of 3D Animation
Robert D. Kalnins.
Princeton University, June, 2004. [BibTeX]

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