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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Alex Henzen" Find Author on Google.

Proceedings Sketching with a Low-latency Electronic Ink Drawing Tablet

Author(s): Alex Henzen, Neculai Ailenei, Fabian Di Fiore, Frank Van Reeth, John Patterson.
Proceedings: 3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and South East Asia (GRAPHITE'05), pp. 51--60, Dunedin, New Zealand, 2005.
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Drawing on paper is an experience which is still unmatched by any input device for drawing into a computer in terms of accuracy, dexterity and general pleasantness of use. This paper describes a paper-like drawing tablet which uses electronic ink as its output medium with stylus-based touchpanel input. The device mimics the experience of drawing in a manner which can be adjusted to approach the feel of different kinds of paper. We discuss further some basic issues which need to be addressed in managing interfacing to such a device, specifically the avoidance of the legacy of mouse-oriented point-and-click interfaces which have influenced GUI design for so long. We see a sketch-based model for interaction, based on free-form curve drawing, as being the way forward but new interaction models are required. The tablet is initially intended to serve as an input-device for cartoon drawing and editing, so the product of any sketching process has to be presented to the rest of the animation data-path in terms of a conventional curve model, here Bézier chains. We discuss models for achieving this without having to resort to legacy curve-editing techniques which have no counterpart in drawing on paper or in the repertoire of the traditional animator. Potential uses of these interaction techniques go well beyond supporting the cartoon drawing application.

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