Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 3 item(s) authored by "Lubomir D. Bourdev" .

Proceedings Art-Based Rendering of Fur, Grass, and Trees

Author(s): Michael A. Kowalski, Lee Markosian, J.D. Northrup, Lubomir D. Bourdev, Ronen Barzel, Loring S. Holden, John F. Hughes.
Proceedings: Proceedings of Siggraph 99, 1999.
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Artists and illustrators can evoke the complexity of fur or vegetation with relatively few well-placed strokes. We present an algorithm that uses strokes to render 3D computer graphics scenes in a stylized manner suggesting the complexity of the scene without representing it explicitly. The basic algorithm is customizable to produce a range of effects including fur, grass and trees, as we demonstrate in this paper and accompanying video. The algorithm is implemented within a broader framework that supports procedural stroke-based textures on polyhedral models. It renders moderately complex scenes at multiple frames per second on current graphics workstations, and provides some interframe coherence.

Proceedings Real-Time Nonphotorealistic Rendering
Lee Markosian, Michael A. Kowalski, Samuel J. Trychin, Lubomir D. Bourdev, Daniel Goldstein, John F. Hughes.
ACM Siggraph 97, Annual Conference Series 1997, pp. 415--420, August, 1997. [BibTeX]

Master Thesis Rendering Nonphotorealistic Strokes with Temporal and Arc-length Coherence
Lubomir D. Bourdev.
Brown University, May, 1998. [BibTeX]

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