Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 3 item(s) authored by "Peter C. Litwinowicz" Find Author on Google.

Proceedings Inkwell: A 2 ½-D animation system

Author(s): Peter C. Litwinowicz.
Proceedings: SIGGRAPH '91, pp. 113--122, 1991.
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Inkwell, an experimental 2 1/2-D keyframe animation system, is the subject of this paper. Inkwell provides an intuitive user interface for creating and animating polygons, ellipses and splines. These primitives may be outlined and filled with a variety of patterns to create animated diagrams, graphs and charts, and simple characters and cartoons. Inkwell also has a patch primitive that facilitates deformation and animation of textured regions. The system provides editing features that include shape and timing control as well as digital filtering of parameters. Finally, Inkwell has deformation primitives that enable an animator to warp geometry in an intuitive manner. Inkwell was used to produce Pigment Promenade, a computer animated short shown at SIGGRAPH 1990.

In Collection Non-Photorealistic Rendering
Stuart Green, David H. Salesin, Simon Schofield, Aaron Hertzmann, Peter C. Litwinowicz, Amy A. Gooch, Cassidy J. Curtis, Bruce Gooch.
Siggraph 99, ACM Press, Course 17, 1999. [BibTeX]

Proceedings Processing images and video for an impressionist effect
Peter C. Litwinowicz.
SIGGRAPH '97: Proceedings of the 24th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, pp. 407--414, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1997. [BibTeX]

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