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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Paul Rademacher" Find Author on Google.

Proceedings View-dependent Geometry

Author(s): Paul Rademacher.
Proceedings: SIGGRAPH '99, pp. 439--446, 1999.
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When constructing 3D geometry for use in cel animation, the reference drawings of the object or character often contain various view-specific distortions, which cannot be captured with conventional 3D models. In this work we present a technique called View-Dependent Geometry, wherein a 3D model changes shape based on the direction it is viewed from. A view-dependent model consists of a base model, a set of key deformations (deformed versions of the base model), and a set of corresponding key viewpoints (which relate each 2D reference drawing to the 3D base model). Given an arbitrary viewpoint, our method interpolates the key deformations to generate a 3D model that is specific to the new viewpoint, thereby capturing the viewdependent distortions of the reference drawings.

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