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Found 1 item(s) authored by "E. Scott Larsene" .

Misc Painterly Objects

Author(s): E. Scott Larsene.
Misc: 2001.
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We present an animatable Painterly Object. We use a volume of occupancy probabilities to determine where and how paint is applied. This probability density function approach to modeling gives the artist control over (and the option of) a painterly style. Probabilities in the volume are initialized by the modeler and are changed as paint is applied. Applied paint is stored within the volume so paint that has been applied remains (in 3D) when neighboring strokes are made and when the scene is re-rendered (e.g. animation, etc.). The desired painterly effects can be achieved either natively in 3D or they can be applied in 2D and stored in 3D. Automated 3D application of 3D paint to a 3D object is a significant result of this work. The result is a 3D object that appears painterly and allows pleasing animation and scene changes along with hybridization of painterly and non-painterly objects into a single scene without compositing techniques.

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