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Found 3 item(s) authored by "Kevin Foster" Find Author on Google.

Article Pen-and-Ink for BlobTree Implicit Models

Author(s): Kevin Foster, Pauline Jepp, Brian Wyvill, Mario Costa Sousa, Callum Galbraith, Joaquim A. Jorge.
Article: Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 267--276, 2005.
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New techniques are presented for rendering complex hierarchical skeletal implicit models in several pen-and-ink styles. A particle system is employed to find interesting areas on the surface and perform stroke stylization guided by local shape features. Interesting areas include silhouette strokes and lines following local shape features, such as those caused by CSG junctions. Hidden line removal is performed either by applying a surfel technique for rapid prototyping or, more accurately, by using ray tracing. Examples drawn from simple to complex models illustrate the capabilities of our system.

Article Precise Ink Drawing of 3D Models
Mario Costa Sousa, Kevin Foster, Brian Wyvill, Faramarz Samavati.
Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 22, No. 3, September, 2003. [BibTeX]

Master Thesis Precise Ink Illustrations of Polygonal Models
Kevin Foster.
University of Calgary, March, 2005. [BibTeX]

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