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Found 2 item(s) authored by "Pavel Slavik" Find Author on Google.

Proceedings New Dimension for Sketches

Author(s): Roman Zenka, Pavel Slavik.
Proceedings: SCCG 2003, 2003.
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We propose a method for creating ’smart’ sketches of freeform 3D objects. A 2D sketch of an object drawn by the user is enriched with information about its 3D structure. With the help of our system, the user can rotate the created sketch of the object and view it from various angles. Since most of the user input is a traditional 2D sketch, the system is very easy to use and doesn’t limit the user’s creativity. Our approach closely simulates the way 3D objects are drawn by artists. The user first models by sketching a simple 3D skeleton of the desired object. A more detailed sketch of the object is drawn in 2D over the skeleton. The skeleton helps the user to maintain correct proportions while drawing. Using the 3D skeleton, the system helps the user rotate the sketch. This way a hybrid model of an object is created - although being essentially 2D, the model can be rotated smoothly and viewed from various angles.

Proceedings Panorama Sketching for PDAs
Roman Zenka, Pavel Slavik.
International Workshop on Mobile Computing (IMC), Rostock, Germany, 2003. [BibTeX]

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