Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Alan S. Cheney" Find Author on Google.

Proceedings Object-Based Image Editing

Author(s): William A. Barrett, Alan S. Cheney.
Proceedings: Proc. of SIGGRAPH 02, pp. 777--784, 2002.
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We introduce Object-Based Image Editing (OBIE) for real-time animation and manipulation of static digital photographs. Individual image objects (such as an arm or nose, Figure 1) are selected, scaled, stretched, bent, warped or even deleted (with automatic hole filling) - at the object, rather than the pixel level - using simple gesture motions with a mouse. OBIE gives the user direct, local control over object shape, size, and placement while dramatically reducing the time required to perform image editing tasks. Object selection is performed by manually collecting (subobject) regions detected by a watershed algorithm. Objects are tessellated into a triangular mesh, allowing shape modification to be performed in real time using OpenGL’s texture mapping hardware. Through the use of anchor points, the user is able to interactively perform editing operations on a whole object, or just part(s) of an object - including moving, scaling, rotating, stretching, bending, and deleting. Indirect manipulation of object shape is also provided through the use of sliders and Bezier curves. Holes created by movement are filled in real-time based on surrounding texture. When objects stretch or scale, we provide a method for preserving texture granularity or scale. We also present a texture brush, which allows the user to “paint” texture into different parts of an image, using existing image texture(s). OBIE allows the user to perform interactive, high-level editing of image objects in a few seconds to a few ten’s of seconds

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