Digital Paint Systems: An Anecdotal and Historical Overview
Author(s): Alvy Ray Smith.
Article: IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, pp. 4-30,
The history of digital paint systems derives from many things-
chance meetings, coincidences and boredom, artistic license, brilliant
researchers, a wealthy benefactor, and, of course, lawsuits. Alvy Ray
Smith tells the fascinating story-facts first, then anecdotes-in his
own words.
Digital Paint Systems: Historical Overview
Alvy Ray Smith.
Tech Memo 14, May 30,
1997. [BibTeX]
Alvy Ray Smith.
Computer Graphics Lab, New York Institute of Technology, No. Technical Memo 7, 20 Jul,
1978. [BibTeX]
Plants, fractals, and formal languages
Alvy Ray Smith.
Proceedings of the 11th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, pp. 1--10,
1984. [BibTeX]
Table Paint
Alvy Ray Smith.
Published as Tutorial Notes at SIGGRAPH '80 and SIGGRAPH '81,
1979. [BibTeX]
Varieties of Digital Painting
Alvy Ray Smith.
Tech Memo 8, Aug 30,
1995. [BibTeX]