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Found 25 item(s) of type "Misc".
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Misc The Painterly Approach
Wasinee Rungsarityotin, Victor Zordan.
Georgia Tech. - (Project: Advanced Topics in Rendering), 1996. [BibTeX]

Misc The Virtual Painting Paintbox
Dominique Sobczyk, Vincent Boyer, Jean-Jaques Bourdin.
Short Presentations, Eurographics 2003, 2003. [BibTeX]

Misc Turning Images into Simple Line-Art
Samuel G. Noble.
Undergraduate Thesis, Reed College, December, 2001. [BibTeX]

Misc Varieties of Digital Painting
Alvy Ray Smith.
Tech Memo 8, Aug 30, 1995. [BibTeX]

Misc VelvetPath - Layout Design System with Sketch and Paint Manipulations

Author(s): Hiroaki Tobita.
Misc: 2003.
[BibTeX] Find this paper on Google

We describe the VelvetPath system, a system that allows users to design layouts for visualized information by using sketch and paint manipulations. Many systems enable users to visually search and browse through information by treating the data as visualized nodes (e.g., related images and simple figures). While these layouts are pre-defined and useful for the applications considered by the designers, users cannot freely change or redesign the layouts. In contrast, users of the VelvetPath system can freely design and change layouts by simply drawing strokes. Since the information layouts are defined automatically according to the user’s strokes, the user can create layouts based on his/her own needs and retrieve information using these layouts. Moreover, because all the manipulations in the system are based on simple sketching and painting interactions, the system is easy to use. These simple manipulations are useful not only for information retrieval, but also for a wide variety of applications such as 2D and 3D content creation, preparing slide presentations, and communication through a computer. In this paper, we describe our VelvetPath system and how it can be effectively applied.

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