Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Shiho Isobe" Find Author on Google.

Proceedings Sketchy hairstyles

Author(s): Xiaoyang Mao, Shiho Isobe, Ken Anjyo, Atsumi Imamiya.
Proceedings: Computer Graphics International 2005 (CGI'05), pp. 142--147, 22-24 June, 2005.
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We present an intuitive, interactive modeling and rendering system for creating non-photorealistic hairstyle images. The main feature of our system lies in its user-friendly sketch interface that allows the user to generate his/her desired hairstyle simply by drawing a few free-form strokes on the 3D model of a scalp. Hairstyles are modeled with a polygon based technique called cluster polygons, and are rendered expressively to obtain non-photorealistic images similar to those found in hand-drawn animations and cartoons.

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