Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Olivier Giroux" Find Author on Google.

Misc Image-based processing of game method streams and depth-buffered video for non-photorealistic rendering

Author(s): Olivier Giroux, Alexandre Denault.
Misc: 2004.
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The addition of vertex and pixel programs to modern graphics processors has greatly expanded the space of problems tractable on inexpensive computers. Programmers can now offload highly-parallelizable and compute-intensive task to this massively parallel infrastructure. However, much of this power remains untapped as we have yet to explore many emerging applications and the exponential space of possibilities. The objective of this project is to explore programmable pixel shading technology to apply arbitrary nonphotorealistic rendering to modern games and depth-buffered video streams. This paper also describes what kind of overhead these nonphotorealistic effects add to the display process. Finally, this paper presents two different implementations of toon shading using pixel shaders.

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