Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Michiel van de Panne" Find Author on Google.

Proceedings Motion Doodles: An Interface for Sketching Character Motion

Author(s): Matthew Thorne, David Burke, Michiel van de Panne.
Proceedings: ACM SIGGRAPH 2004, 2004.
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In this paper we present a novel system for sketching the motion of a character. The process begins by sketching a character to be animated. An animated motion is then created for the character by drawing a continuous sequence of lines, arcs, and loops. These are parsed and mapped to a parameterized set of output motions that further reflect the location and timing of the input sketch. The current system supports a repertoire of 18 different types of motions in 2D and a subset of these in 3D. The system is unique in its use of a cursive motion specification, its ability to allow for fast experimentation, and its ease of use for non-experts.

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