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Found 2 item(s) authored by "Matthew Thorne" Find Author on Google.

Master Thesis Motion Doodles - A Sketch-based Interface for Character Animation

Author(s): Matthew Thorne.
Master Thesis: University of British Columbia, September, 2003.
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This thesis presents a novel sketch-based interface for animating an articulated human character quickly and with a limited amount of training. The character is animated by sketching a sequence of simple arcs, loops and lines which are interpreted as an appropriate sequence of steps, jump, flips and other motions. The motion synthesis extracts key features from the sketch such as height, distance and timing information allowing a user to create a variety of styles of motion. The details of the sketch interpretation process are discussed for both a 2D and 3D version of the system.

Proceedings Motion Doodles: An Interface for Sketching Character Motion
Matthew Thorne, David Burke, Michiel van de Panne.
ACM SIGGRAPH 2004, 2004. [BibTeX]

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