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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Jun-ya Takahashi" Find Author on Google.

Article Simple Cellular Automaton-based Simulation of Ink Behaviour and Its Application to Suibokuga-like 3D Rendering of Trees

Author(s): Qing Zhang, Youetsu Sato, Jun-ya Takahashi, Kazunobu Muraoka, Norishige Chiba.
Article: The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, Vol. 10, pp. 27--37, 1999.
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Suibokuga is a style of monochrome painting characterized by the use of Chinese black ink (sumi), a complex interaction between brush, ink and paper, and such visual features as Noutan (shade), Kasure (scratchiness), and Nijimi (blur). In this paper we present a simple behavioural model of water and ink particles based on a 2D cellular automaton computational model, and its application to a Suibokuga-like rendering of 3D trees.

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