Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Victor Zordan" Find Author on Google.

Misc The Painterly Approach

Author(s): Wasinee Rungsarityotin, Victor Zordan.
Misc: Georgia Tech. - (Project: Advanced Topics in Rendering), 1996.
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In siggraph 96, "Painterly Rendering for Animation" introduced an exciting approach for rendering images that appeared to be hand painted. The approach applied brush strokes in screen space to projected particles representing the scene geometry surfaces. By using the projected particles, frame to frame consistency for animation was supported. Orientation information for the scene geometry dictated the direction of the strokes in screen space. The shapes of the brush strokes could be used to change the style of the final image. This report summarizes our decisions, the algorithm we implemented and how it differs from the painterly approach, followed by conclusions and future work. A detailed description of the original algorithm is described in the paper [ref 1].

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