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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Hiroko Nakamura" Find Author on Google.

Article Modeling Surperspective Projection of Landscapes for Geographical Guide-Map Generation

Author(s): Shigeo Takahashi, Naoya Ohta, Hiroko Nakamura, Yuriko Takeshima, Issei Fujishiro.
Article: Computer Graphics Forum (EG'02), Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 259--268, 2002.
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It is still challenging to generate hand-drawn pictures because they differ from ordinary photographs in that they are often drawn as seen from multiple viewpoints. This paper presents a new approach for modeling such surperspective projection based on shape deformation techniques. Specifically, surperspective landscape images for guide-maps are generated from 3D geographical elevation data. Our method first partitions a target geographical surface into feature areas to provide designers with landmarks suitable for editing. The system takes as input 2D visual effects, which are converted to 3D geometric constraints for geographical surface deformation. Using ordinary perspective projection, the deformed shape is then transformed into a target guide-map image where each landmark enjoys its own vista points. An algorithm for calculating such 2D visual effects semi-automatically from the geographical shape features is also considered.

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