Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 2 item(s) authored by "Arthur Appel" Find Author on Google.

Proceedings The haloed line effect for hidden line elimination

Author(s): Arthur Appel, F. James Rohlf, Arthur J. Stein.
Proceedings: Siggraph 79, pp. 151--157, 1979.
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The haloed line effect is a technique where when a line in three-dimensional space passes in front of another line, a gap is produced in the projection of the more distant line. The gap is produced as if an opaque halo surrounded the closer line. This method for approximate hidden-line elimination is advantageous because explicit surface equations are not necessary. The relative depth of lines, axes, curves and lettering is easily perceived. This technique is especially suitable for the display of finite element grids, three-dimensional contour maps and ruled surfaces. When the lines or curves on a surface are closer than the gap size, the gaps produced close up to produce a complete hidden-line-elimination. A simple but efficient implementation is described which can be used in the rendering of a variety of three-dimensional situations.

Proceedings The notion of quantitative invisibility and the machine rendering solids
Arthur Appel.
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM National Conference, pp. 387--393, Washington, D.C., United States, ACM Press, 1967. [BibTeX]

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