Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Found 1 item(s) authored by "Johan Claes" Find Author on Google.

Proceedings Fast 3D Cartoon Rendering with Improved Quality by Exploiting Graphics Hardware

Author(s): Johan Claes, Fabian Di Fiore, Gert Vansichem, Frank Van Reeth.
Proceedings: Proceedings of Image and Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), pp. 13--18, November, 2001.
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Our work in the area of non-photo-realistic rendering (NPR) focuses on visualising 3D models in a cartoon rendering style: the geometrical objects are internally coloured using two or three colours, while simultaneously using an explicit outline. Many NPR techniques are timeconsuming processes, whereas we aim at real-time rendering performance on mainstream graphics PC hardware without losing a high image quality. Particular emphasis is also put on getting smooth transition borders between the bi-tonal cartoon-colours by applying an object precision triangle subdivision technique. Rapidly finding these transition borders as well as silhouette edges is a topic of a new algorithm. As silhouette lines and light effects are useful indicators for computer vision, this algorithm also looks interesting for applications in that field.

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