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If you have a Windows 7 computers on different subnets, as I do, you may want to enable sharing files between them and this involves enabling file sharing across different subnets. The setup I will use as an example is pretty simplistic: Assume that you have a router with an ethernet-based LAN which is configured […]

I have already explained (very superficially) the motivation for the need of jumping directly into a directory from the Windows Explorer, while having the Visual Studio (VC++ actually) compiler and linker tools available for various architectures in my older post windows task: Open Visual C++ command prompt by right-clicking a folder. I have now improved […]

Sometimes it is useful to “reset” the numbers of an auto-incrementing field in a MySQL table. This obviously is a VERY bad idea if you have relations to these indices, so make sure you know what you’re doing before executing this on your tables! So, having warned you, here is the SQL code to do […]

Sometimes when moving from one Windows computer to another with a removable drive or I upgrade an older windows system and reuse a partition from the old system, some files and folders may be inaccessible. Typically, Windows will pop up a window with the message “You need permission to perform this action” and further details […]

UPDATE [25 Sep 2013]: Please visit my dedicated page for the ICU Precompiled binaries, build scripts and custom patches! This post is here for historical reasons. UPDATE [12 Aug 2013]: This post is already a bit old, but the methods described are still valid. You can always find the latest binaries built by myself in […]