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Precompiled Qt v5.6.2 and Qt v5.7.1 now available! I built Qt v5.6.2 and Qt v5.7.1, which you can download at the Precompiled Qt4 and Qt5 page. These releases include shared (/MD[d]) and statically (/MT[d]) compiled Qt libraries for 32- and 64-bit architectures and have support for MySQL with OpenSSL. The builds are done with MSVC […]

I just finished compiling the MariaDB v5.5.54 libraries. It links against OpenSSL v1.0.2k. Older versions can be found in the MariaDB Past Builds page, while the latest builds will remain always in the Precompiled MariaDB page. 0

Sometimes it is useful to “reset” the numbers of an auto-incrementing field in a MySQL table. This obviously is a VERY bad idea if you have relations to these indices, so make sure you know what you’re doing before executing this on your tables! So, having warned you, here is the SQL code to do […]