

I have applied the appropriate patches for building the released ICU 55.1 for all common MSVC compilers, including MSVC 2015. As usual, you will find the binaries for download in the Precompiled ICU page.

You will also find full instructions, my build batch script and the necessary patches for building them yourself, useful if you don’t like my build or you want to customize your ICU data tables.


I just compiled the OpenSSL v1.0.1p for all popular MSVC compilers, including MSVC 2015. You can download it (+ the scripts to build it yourself) in the Precompiled OpenSSL page.

I basically ported the code from 1.0.2d that fixes a bug that prevents 1.0.1p to be compiled with MSVC 2015.

For reference see my bug report OpenSSL bug #4008

I didn’t realize, but it was reported also earlier by someone else here:


I just compiled the OpenSSL v1.0.2d with MSVC 2015. You can download it (+ the scripts to build it yourself) in the Precompiled OpenSSL page.

I have also tried building OpenSSL v1.0.1p for MSVC 2015, but the static builds fail, so I decided against posting an incomplete set.


It has been a few years now that I have been building a few popular libraries and posting them here, mainly as my own backup and personal use, but also for others to use. Some of these libraries I don’t use anymore myself, but I realize that there are people out there that appreciate my efforts. Some take a few seconds out of their busy schedules to leave me a comment or send me an email and this is very rewarding. Thank you.

I kindly ask now that anyone who is using any of the libraries that I compile to vote up on the poll which of these libraries they are using. It is important because I can know that my time is well spend and where my efforts should be diverted. It’s anonymous and I am not asking for anything in return. What’s more, I will never litter my blog with advertisements, despite having to pay for the servers and my time isn’t free either but I’m happy to invest it if it helps other developers. So if you want to contribute, then at least spend 30 seconds of your time. I am even inviting anyone to make suggestions on other libraries to build or other configurations that would be useful to build.

Please vote and happy coding!

Which precompiled libraries are you using?

  • OpenSSL (26%, 43 Votes)
  • Qt5 (26%, 43 Votes)
  • ICU (19%, 32 Votes)
  • Boost (18%, 30 Votes)
  • Qt4 (7%, 12 Votes)
  • MariaDB (5%, 8 Votes)

Total Voters: 87

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I just finished compiling and packaging my Qt 5.5.0 set of builds. You can download the new builds in the Precompiled Qt4 and Qt5 section. These builds are for both the 32- and 64-bit Windows and they are particularly useful if one wants to build static binaries. However, please be aware that there are serious licensing issues in using static linking and therefore you should investigate by yourself.

If you have issues do email me or leave a comment, but note that the builds are experimental and are only here just for my personal backup and use. Many thanks to the Qt developers and contributors!

enjoy :-)