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The latest ICU 57.1 is compiled with MSVC 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015. The precompiled static libraries are linked against the static MSVC runtimes (/MT instead of /MD). In this build I have dropped the compilation of the Layout Engine, which has long been deprecated. You can fetch it as usual in the Precompiled […]

I just finished compiling the ~8.5GB set of Qt v5.4.0 libraries, you can download them here. These libraries are compiled against ICU v54.1, MariaDB v5.5.39 and OpenSSL v1.0.1l with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. The compiled libraries are both in debug and release mode, for 32 and 64-bit, as well as linked both shared and statically. […]

As my build scripts keep getting more complicated, I am now in need of a configuration file for each. Furthermore, I have several machines and I need to sometimes change paths around. In other words, I need a local configuration file for each script and for each host I build on. I will use myScript.bat […]

UPDATE [25 Sep 2013]: Please visit my dedicated page for the ICU Precompiled binaries, build scripts and custom patches! This post is here for historical reasons. UPDATE [12 Aug 2013]: This post is already a bit old, but the methods described are still valid. You can always find the latest binaries built by myself in […]

Sometimes the autolinking functionality of Boost on win32 causes trouble. Disabling this is easy, just add to the preprocessor the definition BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB. I use CMake to build all my projects these days and doing this is very simple, just add: ADD_DEFINITIONS(“-DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB”) If you want to do this on Visual Studio, go to the properties of […]