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Proceedings Orientable Textures for Image-Based Pen-and-Ink Illustration

Author(s): Michael P. Salisbury, Michael Wong, John F. Hughes, David H. Salesin.
Proceedings: SIGGRAPH '97: Proceedings of the 24th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, pp. 401--406, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1997.
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We present an interactive system for creating pen-and-ink-style line drawings from greyscale images in which the strokes of the rendered illustration follow the features of the original image. The user, via new interaction techniques for editing a direction field, specifies an orientation for each region of the image; the computer draws oriented strokes, based on a user-specified set of example strokes, that achieve the same tone as the image via a new algorithm that compares an adaptively-blurred version of the current illustration to the target tone image. By aligning the direction field with surface orientations of the objects in the image, the user can create textures that appear attached to those objects instead of merely conveying their darkness. The result is a more compelling pen-and-ink illustration than was previously possible from 2D reference imagery.

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