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Proceedings Hairy brushes

Author(s): Steve Strassmann.
Proceedings: SIGGRAPH '86: Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, pp. 225--232, New York, NY, USA, ACM Press, 1986.
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Paint brushes are modeled as a collection of bristles which evolve over the course of the stroke, leaving a realistic image of a sumi brush stroke. The major representational units are (1) Brush: a compound object composed of bristles, (2) Stroke: a trajectory of position and pressure, (3) Dip: a description of the application of paint to a class of brushes, and (4) Paper: a mapping onto the display device. This modular system allows experimentation with various stochastic models of ink flow and color change. By selecting from a library of brushes, dips, and papers, the stroke can take on a wide variety of expressive textures.

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