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Article Computer Art that Isn't

Author(s): Dave Sims.
Article: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, pp. 4--6, 1994.
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“The computer is nothing of particular interest,” Jeremy Gardiner has written, “but it does matter what we make of them.” Nothing of interest? Gardiner’s is an unusual observation in an age that is fascinated-often to the point of gushing- with the computer’s ability to do everything from solving crimes to creating virtual worlds. What Gardiner has decided to make of them is art, at a bit of a distance. He draws his inspiration from computer and video images, and he uses computer graphics to create his subject matter. But he works with traditional media (brushes, paints, and canvases) to produce his final art. And he says he was never tempted to give up his brushes and immerse himself completely in the world of digital art.

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