Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Technical Report Seeing Between the Strokes

Author(s): Tobias Isenberg, Roland Jesse, Oscar E. Meruvia Pastor, Thomas Strothotte.
Technical Report: Department of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, No. Technical Report 11/2004, Germany, 2004.
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Non-photorealistic rendering offers a wide range of rendering styles. However, when different styles—in particular, stroke-based techniques—are combined with others to create hybrid renditions often a see-through-effect is caused where background objects can be seen through a newly drawn foreground object. This effect can either be used intentionally to present more than one layer of information at the same time or has to be avoided because it distracts from the rendering. In this work, we attempt an initial discussion of the see-through-effect in illustrations. Thereby, a specific focus is put on stroke-based NPR renditions. In support of this, both ends of the effect are addressed: the intentional use of see-through characteristics as well as avoiding it. By discussing examples for both, we show how to visualize multiple layers of information in a model as well as approaches of avoiding the seethrough- effect for stroke-based NPR rendering.

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