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Proceedings Painting brush control techniques in chinese painting robot

Author(s): Fenghui Yao, Guifeng Shao.
Proceedings: IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN'05), pp. 462--467, Aug. 13 - 15, 2005.
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This paper describes a Chinese painting robot (CP robot) that can be categorized as an art robot. The whole system consists of a robot arm, robot hand, Chinese brush, and system controller. In Chinese painting, the following four objects: bamboos, plum blossoms, chrysanthemums, and orchids are often used to practice painting techniques. This paper focuses on how to draw bamboos by a CP robot. When a bamboo drawing is presented, the CP robot decomposes the drawing into stems, joints, branches, and leaves. According to the drawing order information, the system controller creates the trajectory of the Chinese brush. The trajectory of the Chinese brush is considered as B-spline curves determined by the points included in the drawing order information. The trajectory and the pressure control information are sent to the CP robot to imitate painter's behavior. The experiment results show that the proposed techniques are efficient for the CP robot to perform the fundamental drawing in Chinese painting.

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