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Proceedings A Multi-Level Sketching Tool for "Pencil-and-Paper" Animation

Author(s): Fabian Di Fiore, Frank Van Reeth.
Proceedings: Sketch Understanding: Papers from the 2002 American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI Spring Symposium), pp. 32--36, Palo Alto (USA), March 25-27, 2002.
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Computer assisted traditional animation has gained a lot of attention nowadays. Although most existing software applications turn out to produce appealing results, still the animator has to cope with many limitations. So far, animators have to make great efforts when interacting with the software. Most drawings consist out of curves which only can be manipulated by pointing, clicking and dragging of control points which make up the curves. Moreover, most systems don't offer a surplus value and hence it is difficult to convince animators to make the shift to computer assisted animation. In this paper, we present a sketching tool that assists the animator throughout multiple stages of the animation process. This tool helps retaining the natural way of drawing and editing, and offers additional functionality such as rapidly creating approximate 3D models and deforming animation objects.

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