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Proceedings Automatic Inbetweening in Computer Assisted Animation by Exploiting 2.5D Modelling Techniques

Author(s): Fabian Di Fiore, Philip Schaeken, Koen Elens, Frank Van Reeth.
Proceedings: The Fourteenth Conference on Computer Animation (CA2001), pp. 192--200, 2001.
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This paper introduces a new method for automatic inbetweening in computer assisted traditional animation. The solution is based on novel 2.5D modelling and animation techniques within the context of a multi-level approach, starting with basic 2D drawing primitives (curves) at level 0, over explicit 2.5D modelling structures at level 1 and inclusion of 3D information by means of skeletons at level 2, to high-level deformation tools (and possibly other tools for supporting specific purposes such as facial expression) at level 3. The underlying methodologies are explained and implementation results are elucidated.

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