Non-Photorealistic Computer Graphics Library

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Article Nonphotorealistic Virtual Environment Navigation from Images

Author(s): Hyung Woo Kang.
Article: International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 433--445, 2005.
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This paper presents a novel scheme based on a hybrid NPR/IBMR approach, for providing non-photorealistic virtual environment navigation from images. As a preprocess, we first divide the background and the foreground components in the image and then construct a simple 3D scene model consisting of background model and foreground object models, together with the corresponding nonphotorealistic texture maps. Thus, through interactive navigation at runtime, non-photorealistic walk-through images for novel viewpoints can be generated in real time. To reduce visual artifacts in the resulting animation, we propose an effective method for generating multiresolution and view-dependent non-photorealistic texture maps that preserve the stroke size and coherence across different viewing resolutions and angles.

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