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Article Stroke-based Suibokuga-Like Rendering for Three-Dimensional Geometric Models - Ten and Shun Touches

Author(s): Youetsu Sato, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Kazunobu Muraoka, Norishige Chiba.
Article: The Journal of the Society for Art and Science, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 224--234, October, 2004.
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Non-photorealistic rendering has become an important research topics in computer graphics in recent years. We have previously proposed a non-photorealistic rendering method to generate Suibokuga-like images of trees. This method was suitable only for representing trees in Mokkotsuho paintings because the images were generated from three-dimensional skeleton data. In this paper, we propose a method to generate Suibokugalike images of arbitrary objects from three-dimensional geometric models, such as polygonal models. The proposed method realizes Kou, Ten, and Shun brush stroke techniques for creating Sensenbyoho paintings, which are a typical Suibokuga style for representing landscapes. Moreover, the images can be generated from arbitrary viewpoints and light source information. The ability of this method is demonstrated by showing various example.

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